Countdown to release

Hi everyone,

I am very pleased to announce that the release date of The Silver Ninja is coming close upon us. I can’t announce an ‘official’ date just yet, I’m hoping to reveal it in a much more attention grabbing fashion than a small little blog post. In the meantime, I wanted to let you guys have some hints as to what’s coming in the future.

First off, there’s a lot to talk about with Silver. From the origins of the character, to the inspiration for the design, to the many failed writing attempts that I had done since 2002. In fact, today’s post was going to be about how I came up with the idea of “The Silver Ninja.” But, without the book in your hands, talking about certain elements of the character would ruin the surprises I have for prospective readers.

Also, it’s kind of lame to talk about the back story to characters, when there is no emotional attachment or prior background knowledge to the world Cindy resides in. Know this! It -kills- me not to be able to talk about my dang book! Then again, what author doesn’t want to talk about their works?

With that said, the blog may get a little quiet from time to time as I get basically locked down from talking about the book. I want to give writing tips, but without being a published author, I don’t feel I would have credibility behind the writing advice I would like to give. I mean, I could talk about how much money I spent in promotional materials and copy editing, but until the book is out, it’s hard to visualize the numbers.

So where does that leave me with posts?  Well, come November there will be one more writing excerpt to be posted on the blog but… this one in particular will be posted with additional artwork to supplement it.  In fact, there’s a lot of cool stuff coming down the pipe, so make sure you’re subscribed for the latest updates!

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Picture of Wilmar Luna

Wilmar Luna

Couldn't be a superhero in real life so he decided to write his own. When he's not creating empowered female characters he can be found watching films, reading books, and playing lots of video games. Buy his books here: