Getting ready for the big move!

Hello blog followers,

Well, this little blog has been good to me. Would it surprise you to learn that it earned me 1,935 pageviews? I know it’s still a small number, but that’s not bad for a project that’s had very little advertising!

So sales are still going, it’s definitely exceeding expectations without advertising, but it’s nowhere close to helping me break even. This is not a bad thing, I’m glad to see that people are picking up the book and look forward to discussions about it. But if I want to break even, I’m going to have to get more readers, and that requires a bit more of a professional look.

Although I did publish this book for my own personal satisfaction and enjoyment, it would be nice if I could make all of my money back. After all, it wasn’t cheap to hire a proofreader, buy software to lay it out for print, hire artists for artwork, and order physical copies of the book.

The first order of business is to launch The Silver Ninja website. I hired a talented web designer to start working on this website in December. I’ve been checking on the status of the project and am pleased to say that it will be launching this month in January.

In effect, this little blog will be migrating over to the new web space. This blog will remain open in order to preserve my search rankings, but all updates will be posted on the website. Links to facebook, goodreads, etc. will all be conveniently linked at the home page.

The website will also serve as a place for me to upload bonus material that readers would be interested to check out. Character back stories and supplementary material will all be uploaded, including wall papers, artwork, and misc. materials.

Also, expect to see marketing ads to pop in the Spring when the weather warms up. See you when the website launches!

Picture of Wilmar Luna

Wilmar Luna

Couldn't be a superhero in real life so he decided to write his own. When he's not creating empowered female characters he can be found watching films, reading books, and playing lots of video games. Buy his books here: