There was no November blog post because my website was under maintenance for backend upgrades. As a result, December’s blog post will contain DOUBLE the news. Let’s get started.
My guest appearance on The Merry Writer podcast with hosts Ari Meghlen and Rachel Poli
If you’re a horror fan and you want to know a bit about the craft and secrets of writing horror, this is the episode for you. I explain how horror works and point out reasons why you can’t do sequels with the same characters. I also cover what makes something scary and share some behind the scenes insights on how I wrote my first horror short story, Sanctifiction: The Darkness at Home.
This episode was a lot of fun to record, and both Ari and Rachel asked great questions that I needed to take more than a minute to think about.
Click the link to check it out: How can you build a horror universe? With special guest Wilmar Luna
The Displate shop has outperformed expectations!
When I launched the Displate shop back in September, I was expecting the metal posters to sell as well as my Society6 merch shop. A shop which is now closed.
I was wrong. The Displate shop has had significantly more sales than I had anticipated.
Top Sellers
Shout out to Magnus Creative
and Mona Finden
for their awesome artwork!
Want a Displate for yourself? Click the link.
The Silver Ninja Displate Shop
The Silver Ninja – A Bitter Winter and Narco Hotel are on discount!
For the month of December, A Bitter Winter and Narco Hotel will have holiday pricing for digital copies. I would love to put the paperbacks on discount, but I can’t afford it. Digital discounts are the best I can do for you.
A Bitter Winter for 99 cents or less!
Not all the stores are fully updated with the new price. Expect all e-books to be on sale from December 15th to January 1st for the end of the year. Displate will probably be running promotions as well, but I do not control the prices or have access to the calendar. Sorry.
Release Date for Sanctifiction book 1
Horror fans, I unfortunately missed this year’s Halloween to release my first ever horror story. The good news is, I finished the rough draft and have started sketching out concepts for more stories. What you’re going to see in The Darkness at Home is merely the tip of the iceberg. The world and lore I’ve created runs deeper than anything else I’ve ever written.
Honestly, I am super pumped to finally get a chance to share what I’ve created with you. I hope this story will be a strong foundation for what’s to come.
The Darkness at Home will be scheduled for a Q1 release date. Worst case scenario is early Q2, but I feel confident this story has legs.
I guess I better schedule an artist sooner rather than later!
The Silver Ninja book 3 pre-production started.
Where is Cindy? I’m getting her ready for her next adventure.
I heard your complaints about Narco Hotel and have a plan to bring The Silver Ninja back to its action oriented, superhero roots. Now that Cindy’s dealt a black eye to the drug cartels, she needs to face a challenge that will really test her mettle. Her suit has always been the ace in the sleeve, the weapon that turns the tide of battle.
I have now drafted a scenario where her suit won’t be enough to save the day. Superstrength and invincibility isn’t going to protect her from what I have planned. Let’s just say that underneath the armor plating, Cindy’s still human.
Lastly, I also have a title for the new book, but I’m going to save that for its own special announcement.
In Conclusion
Thank you, the readers for supporting my journey as a published author. Although I am not in a position to write full-time, I have been able to continue my stories thanks to you. If I hadn’t received your letters, emails, reviews, and financial support, The Silver Ninja series would have ended a long time ago.
Your support has told me that I need to learn to write faster. A lot of you are ready for more stories and I need to do better to deliver them to you.
For those of you who don’t celebrate Christmas. Happy Holidays!
For those of you that do. Merry Christmas!

and since I will be taking vacation until the end of the year.
Happy New Year!