June 25th 99 cents flash sale on Indoctrination!

Hi everyone,

On June 25th I will be participating in Archangelink Buck Books

For one day only, The Silver Ninja: Indoctrination will be .99 cents. At midnight, it’ll be back up to $7.99. This is a pretty significant discount, so if you want to jump in on this then you need to be here on JUNE 25th.

Then, after July 29th The Silver Ninja: Indoctrination will be going up on Smashwords which will allow you to pick up the book on ibooks, KOBO, apple store, etc.

I will be posting another excerpt on June 26th. So make sure to come on back next week!

See you then.

Picture of Wilmar Luna

Wilmar Luna

Couldn't be a superhero in real life so he decided to write his own. When he's not creating empowered female characters he can be found watching films, reading books, and playing lots of video games. Buy his books here: https://www.thesilverninja.com/purchase/